Why SUMAssure

SUMAssure is the only insurance program in Saskatchewan that is fully owned and governed by urban municipal members. Because we are owned and governed by our members, there is no insurance program, carrier or broker more local than SUMAssure. We provide advantages that traditional insurance simply cannot match. In fact, we have led the way in expanding the list of covered risks and perils. Don’t just take our word for it, check out this video to hear what our members have to say about why SUMAssure is the best insurance for your municipality.

Municipal Focus

  • SUMAssure serves only one sector: urban municipalities. No residential, commercial, or auto insurance here.
  • This single focus helps us serve the sector best, and without restrictions.
  • All seven directors serving on the Management Board are actively engaged with hometowns, either as municipal Council members or as administration.  They know municipal operations!

Ownership and Control

  • SUMAssure is a non-profit company owned by its member municipalities (242 and counting), and managed by our own.
  • Your own Management Board gives members a say in how SUMAssure is operated,
  • All board members are municipal officials or administration from member municipalities.

Superior Claim Handling

  • We specialize in insurance for municipalities, so we can handle claims faster and more easily than traditional insurance providers.
  • Our members’ interests are our only focus.
  • Our knowledge of The Municipalities Act and The Cities Act gives us an unmatched ability to defend our members, especially from frivolous claims. We know the case law as it relates to municipal liability.
  • SUMAssure members are owners who get outstanding customer service because we listen and customize services to meet your needs.

Stable Rates

  • With our roots in urban municipal government, SUMAssure understands that our members need stable and cost-effective insurance coverage.
  • Our program is designed to keep rates as stable as possible, so our members can budget properly and be good stewards of municipal tax dollars. When premiums are higher than claims, we can use the excess revenues to keep rates lower in future years.
  • Since inception in 2009 to today, rates on average have increased only 2.92% per year.

Broad Coverage

  • SUMAssure is designed specifically for urban municipalities and customizes our wording to get the best coverage for members.
  • We have broader policy wording than traditional insurance and—more importantly—fewer exclusions.
  • We only represent urban municipalities, so we understand your everyday operations and tailor insurance coverage to meet your needs.
  • SUMAssure covers smaller claims within the program, with bigger claims covered by excess insurance, but the premiums stay within the program. This helps build equity for members.

Member Equity

  • Member municipalities share in the excess revenues (AKA profits) of the programs as it grows.
  • Equity varies between members, depending on community size, values insured, program participation, and premiums paid.
  • The equity in the program is used to fund initiatives for members:
    • Community investment, returning funds to members
    • Premium stabilization, keeping rates stable, even when the market fluctuates
    • Managing the reciprocal pool, because a bigger pool helps us handle more claims internally and provides long-term stability
    • Risk-management initiatives and risk-control services

Risk-Control Services

  • SUMAssure’s philosophy is to try to prevent losses, rather than just collect premiums and pay claims.
  • As a member, you have free access to risk-management initiatives, communication, and training to help you identify and avoid risks before they become a claim.
  • Risk-control measures benefit all members by reducing the group’s risk, and providing better information that allows SUMAssure to get the best insurance at the best price for members.